I have to share one of my latest apparel projects, Dig Pink, where I ended up working with one of my best friends from high school – Lakeshore High School; Stevensville, MI.
Barb (Sturcz) Phelan and I used to play high school volleyball (and other sports) together, and now her daughter plays. We even ended up playing at rival colleges too. So we have a lot of history between us and sooooo many stories.
So a few weeks ago she asked me if I would like to design and print their t-shirts that they sell for their big volleyball event called Dig Pink. They raise money for breast cancer by playing a a game against big rival, St. Joseph High school.
So this post is about the process of working together and some fun high school pics of us playing vball.
They will be selling these at LHS at lunchtime 9/18-9/19 to wear to the event Sept 20th at Lakeshore High School. Please support DIG PINK!
I have to give a lot of kudos to Barb and the moms for working so hard to put this event together!!!
So here’s how the process works. I needed to know previous designs, Barb and I brainstormed on the theme/tagline, I had to put together pricing, Barb had to get it approved, create some really cool simple designs and then collect the sponsor logos for the back. All like within a few days. There were many struggles with finding a printer to print 300 t-shirts in a few days, to recreating many of the sponsor logos so they would print well.
I really enjoyed working on this project! So many good memories playing volleyball in high school and how it helped me gain a full-ride scholarship to the top schools in the country.
I always say, work hard, dream big!!