Everyone likes to start off the new year with a plan and to help you organize we created our own version of a daily to-do list. There are actual checkboxes and ways to easily prioritize by selecting a color so you can quickly manage your day. Get 2024 off to a great start!!
We Simplified Group Tasks into 7 categories
- Task list – checkboxes and highlight in colors for easy prioritizig
- Top Priorities
- Marketing Tasks
- Connections – Calls received, people to reach out o
- List of items to pick up or appointments
- Do Something Nice – The best way to market your brand or network is to remember to do the little things. Everyone likes to get a hand written note, or testimonial on LinkedIn
- Daily Habits – Reminding you to hydrate, exercise, mediate and eat healthy
Examples of symbols from the bullet list in Word:
X = Task Complete
> = Task Migrated
< = Task Scheduled
o = Event
– = Notes (facts, ideas, thoughts, and observations)
Bullet journal signifiers:
* = Priority
! = Inspiration
Picture of an eye = Explore (something that requires further research, information, or discovery)
Bullet journal symbols are a good place to start for inspiration, but I recommend adapting the symbols to suit your own planning needs. I personally prefer to simplify and only use a few symbols.
- Hollow square for general tasks
- Hollow circle for tasks relating to something for business
- Exclamation point for urgent tasks and due dates
- Asterisks for ‘don’t forget’ and important tasks
- Small clock for deadlines
- Use triangles for events
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