At CAS we our passionate about using eco-friendly fabrics, trims, packaging you name it. From the raw supplies we use to the eco-friendly light bulbs used in the factories we are committed to using sustainable practices daily. Our goal is to recycle and reuse what some may consider “waste”. We’re committed to reclaiming and transforming our valuable PET resources into material that is used for new plastic packaging products – that are themselves recyclable.
So, what is PET? And why the ALL CAPS? PET is an acronym for Polyethylene Terephthalate (impress your friends with that one). The ALL CAPS helps distinguish PET from “pet” which we all know is a mammal (fish don’t count) that provides domestic companionship and expectation-free affection. Pets, like PET are in most homes. Pets require daily attention. PET simply needs to be recycled.
So now that you know what PET stands for, you’re probably still wondering what it is. PET is a raw, petroleum based material that is used for water and soda bottles, plastic packaging and fiber or fabric applications (where it’s usually referred to as “polyester”) such as carpeting and sports jerseys. PET is accepted at almost all US recycling programs and is the most recycled material in the US. So remember to pet your pets and recycle your PET.
When you as a consumer recycle a PET bottle, it becomes post-consumer PET or PCR for Post-Consumer Recycled. Once PET is recycled, it may be called RPET or recycled PET. At our EcoStar facility, we reclaim and recycle millions of post-consumer PET bottles and thermoforms, washing and grinding them into plastic flake which we extrude into our EcoStar PET rollstock or sheet for new thermoform packaging applications.